Friday, November 20, 2009

Just incase you happen to be reading...

... and are wondering what happened to 'next week's' post of over a year ago, Real Life(TM) has somewhat interfered with the running of this blog. For the curious, this mostly consisted of full time jobs, angst, and a very serious car accident. Recently however, circumstances have conspired to make me reconsider what is important in life, and I have realised this blog is something that I very much want to continue.

To keep you going until I decide which awesome book I'd like to review next, I thought I'd share the top three reasons I love writing reviews.

1. I love to share.

Many of the fantastic books that I've read I would never have experienced if someone didn't give them to me and tell me I had to read them. Sharing these books with as many people as possible is the best way I can think of returning the favour.

2. I like to know how things work.

When I read to review I pay so much more attention to what I'm reading. I think about what works and what doesn't, why the author is doing particular things, and if it's something I could be doing in my own work.

3. I am completely obsessed with 'the message.'

And I suspect this comes across a lot in my review. Books are such a powerful medium, especially YA which guides many of us in some of the most personality forming parts of our lives. And I'm not just talking about as teenagers. Even as a grown up, I turn to books when I am struggling with a particular issue in my head, or just to help reassure mysself that I'm on the right path.

So however you stumbled accross this page, I encourage you to stick around and read some of the reviews I will be posting over the next few weeks. I promise that it will be worth it, if not for my reviews, just because I know some books that you absolutely HAVE to read...


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